StratifiCare is proud to share that we have been awarded the NS Advocate Award for SMEs at the recent Total Defence Awards 2017 by the Advisory Council for Community Relations in Defence (ACCORD). This is the highest tier award presented to organisations with outstanding policies and practices which support National Service (NS). Our CEO, Dr Anthony Chua (left) was presented the NS Advocate Award for SMEs by Dr Maliki Osman, Senior Minister of State at the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (right).

Our COO, Dr Keith Chong (left), also attended the awards ceremony, held at the Raffles City Convention Centre.

The NS Mark (Gold), a nationwide accreditation scheme, was also awarded to StratifiCare.
Here at StratifiCare, we strive to give our staff all the support they need to fulfil their NS obligations. Majulah Singapura!